★Update: Less than 1000 pre-orders remain!★
Behold, the Necromolds! Banned by feudal wizards and banished from mortal hands, these evil spellbooks and the monsters they hold have once again returned to wreak havoc on humankind!
In Necromolds®: Monster Battles, players build and battle golem armies using their Necromold spellbooks and containers of spell clay. The stronger the monster, the more clay it demands - so build your army wisely! Roll and assign your command dice each round to determine when monsters move and fight. Roll your combat dice to resolve monster battles, leaving the defeated monster smashed on the battle map!
∎ Ages: 9+
∎ Playtime: 35 minutes
∎ 2-4 Players*
Necromolds is manufactured by Panda Games Manufacturing - who helped bring you Pandemic, Wingspan, Root, Mice and Mystics, and other award-winning board games!
* The Necromolds Battle Box includes everything for two players. Each additional player requires a set of command dice and their own spell clay (sold separately).
Latest Kickstarter Update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/necromolds/necromolds-monster-battles/posts/3088212
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Only two weeks left to Print & Playtest Necromolds!
about 5 years ago
– Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 06:23:25 PM
Since releasing the Print & Playtest kit, I've received great feedback and suggestions from fans who want to help be a part of Necromold's final development. From parents playing with their kids, to veteran wargamers playing at their favorite LGS, we already have a great community building up!
There are only two weeks remaining to help playtest and finalize Necromolds!
There are many ways for you to participate in our playtest discussions. Below are some helpful links:
For the entire month of January, I'll be collecting your playtesting feedback. Every playtester that provides feedback will be credited in the rulebook. Names will be listed in order of games played and feedback provided.
Your feedback is critical.
Although Necromolds has been playtested a lot over the last two years, nothing beats having a group of dedicated fans scrubbing through the rules and gameplay - seeking out game-breaking monster combos and unclear rules. Constructive or simply positive is welcome!
Please keep in mind that that graphically, the rulebook and printed materials are still being developed over the month of January. A core goal of this playtest is to verify the rulebook is clear.
More updates to come!
Over the last few weeks, not only have I been working hard to put together these playtest documents but I've been working closely with Thad and Thomas to finalize our additional monster and ring designs. Soon I'll be able to 3D print prototypes and share that work with you!
Thank you again and please leave any questions in the comments! I'll be live streaming tonight on facebook to show off the Print & Playtest kit.
- Clint
about 5 years ago
– Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 03:02:31 PM
Wow! What a campaign finish! In our last 48 hours, we broke THREE stretch goals! We upgraded the battle box to store all 11 series 1 spell books, doubled the caster ring count to 22 total rings, and even unlocked the PnP expansion I've been excited to start developing early next year.
I really cannot thank you all enough. So to each of you who backed the campaign, told your friends and gaming groups about it, and maybe even joined me for the chaotic Clint vs. the Internet Livestream battle on our final night: THANK YOU!
And before I move along, I want to give a special shoutout to Ben and Zac, who both reached out to me way back in September when I started introducing the world to Necromolds. As fans of the project, both wanted to help in any way they could to broadcast Necromolds to a larger audience. I bet a number of you first saw Necromolds through one of their videos. So thank you again Ben and Zac for pushing our campaign out to those who otherwise wouldn't have seen it!
BackerKit and the Pledge Manager
Yesterday, Kickstarter started charging you all for your pledge amounts. Sometime after the holidays, you'll be receiving a link to our "pledge manager." We are using BackerKit as our pledge manager. A pledge manager is an external platform that plugs into our Kickstarter campaign and helps make the fulfillment experience better for you and me!
In the pledge manager, you'll be able to:
Identify what add-ons you may have added to your base pledge level.
Upgrade your pledge level.
Add more to your pledge level.
Submit/change your shipping address.
Pay for final shipping.
And more!
For now, just make sure Kickstarter was able to process your payment. When we launch the pledge manager, I'll send out a Kickstarter Update.
The Fortress Tool
The Fortress Tool is the white whale of our Kickstarter campaign. I know many of you are excited about this tool and I want to confirm that it will be something I release at some point after we've fulfilled Necromolds. So we already have something to look forward to in late 2020!
Now that the Kickstarter is over, I get to turn my attention back to finalizing development and working with Panda Games Manufacturing to get Necromolds from its current prototype into its published form and into your hands!
To help keep myself focused, I'd like to make the official comment response days Monday and Thursday morning. If you have an emergency, feel free to private message me on Kickstarter or our Facebook page. I'll still be watching the chat and keeping tabs on everything. Depending on demand, I may drop this to one day a week in the future.
If you have any issues or thoughts on this, just leave a comment in this update. I believe having an official response time scheduled will allow for clearer communication while also allowing me to keep my life/work/necromolds time balanced and healthy.
I'll still be posting Kickstarter Milestone Updates whenever we have fun news to share or content to show off!
My focus right now is completing the pre-production work so we can send our final files for manufacturing. This work will include developing the box art, finishing our additional caster rings and monsters, and finalizing the rulebook layout. As we finish these fun milestones, like the monster pack 4 clay models, I'll post updates to share our progress!
Print & Playtest!
My first order of business is to complete the written rulebook along with a simple print-and-playtest PDF to be made available to ALL backers. Releasing a clear rulebook and a balanced game is important, and although I've already done a ton of playtesting, it would be silly not to use the power of our kickstarter fanbase to confirm everything's great. By having so many people stress-testing the balance and rules, we'll be able to quickly identify any loopholes or broken mechanics.
If you playtest and provide feedback, you'll be listed in the rulebook as an official playtester. The order names will be listed will be in the order of # of playtests run. I'll post an official Kickstarter Update with a download link once the PDF is available.
And with that...
...we take a new turn on our Necromolds launch roadmap. For the last two years, the loudest question in the back of my mind has been "Will this fund on Kickstarter? Will others be as excited about Necromolds as I am? Is all this time worth it?"
With our campaigns' end, those voices have been drowned out with a resounding YES!
Thank you all again and I look forward to celebrating our milestones ahead!
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 12:53:38 AM
It's been a wild final 48 hours for our campaign, with only 10 hours to go. I'm going to keep this update short because I just finished an intense battle of Necromolds and was defeated by the internet via Livestream!
Earlier today we unlocked our stretch goal that doubled the final ring count in Series 1. If you're an "I WANT IT ALL" backer who would like the extended collection of Toxic Glitter Caster rings, ADD $12 to your pledge level!
Again, just add $12 to your "I WANT IT ALL" pledge to also receive these new rings in Toxic Glitter.
It really blows my mind that we did this today. I didn't even have the graphic ready!
This expanded collection of rings is being offered at-cost to those "all-in" backers who want to make sure they have ever Series 1 caster ring.
Have a great night, and I hope we can unlock our second-to-last stretch goal before our campaign ends tomorrow!
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 10:36:02 PM
We're in the FINAL HOURS of our campaign, we just broke 1000 backers(!), and we're currently less than 1.5K away from our 100k Battle Box upgrade stretch goal! Keep in mind, not only will every battle box be upgraded for FREE to collect and hold all 11 monsters, but "I WANT IT ALL" backers will receive a FREE collectors edition box sleeve. I just want to say how proud I am of our team, as well as each one of you for keeping with our campaign through the holiday season!
To celebrate our final campaign night, I'm challenging you to a game of Necromolds! That's right! On Sunday, December 15th at 8pm ct I'll be livestreaming a Necromolds battle where you're the opponent. I'll be using live polls and calling on viewers to make decisions as my opposition. Do you think you can defeat me?!?
Thad Stalmack II just finished our final Series 1 monster illustration earlier this week. I think monster pack 4 may be my favorite pair of monsters yet! How can you get these two awesome creatures?
If you're an "I WANT IT ALL" backer, you get these stretch goal monsters for FREE!
If you're a "MONSTER COLLECTION" backer, you can upgrade to the "MONSTER COLLECTION EXTENDED" pledge level for just $10!
Otherwise, just add $20 to your pledge level as if you were adding a standard monster pack.
After a suggestion by one of our Facebook page fans, I've added a new pledge level to the campaign. It's the "★NAME A SERIES 1 MONSTER★" pledge level. It includes everything in the "I WANT IT ALL" pledge, plus you'll get to work one-on-one with me to help develop a name for one of these monsters. It will be collaborative and a lot of fun! And you'll be credited in the published rulebook!
We're all relying on each other to cross the finish line Monday morning, so let's keep up the enthusiasm and support! If you have any questions, please reach out. We really need every backer to make this product launch as successful as possible.
I have one more fun announcement for all of our backers - so stay strong through the holiday crunch and let's end this campaign as strongly as we can!